Ho Wai-On 何蕙安 aka Ann-Kay Lin

Image 1
Image 1
Image 2
Image 2
Image 3
Image 3
Image 4
Image 4
Image 5
Image 5
Image 6
Image 6
Image 7
Image 7
Image 8
Image 8

Clark Ainsworth

(UK-HK): Hong Kong photos

I met Clark and did some work with him when he was at the BBC. He now lives in Hong Kong and works for the South China Morning Post. He supplied photographs of Hong Kong with interesting captions as shown below.

Captions for the photos below.

1. The hustle and bustle of the Bowrington Road wet market in Wan Chai. Great fresh seafood and a chance to practice my very bad Cantonese with the stall holders.

2. A hazy sunset over the Yung Shue Wan Ferry Pier on Lamma Island. The shot was taken from a friend’s roof garden. Like many people they have recently left Hong Kong.

3. A man walks and looks at his phone outside the Hong Kong Culture Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui. Regular nightly trips across the harbour on the Star Ferry helped keep me sane after late shifts during the pandemic when shops, bars, cinemas and restaurants were all shut in the evening.

4. A Hong Kong taxi sign glows as the driver waits for customers in Times Square, Causeway Bay, which is a few minutes away from my  home.

5. A woman takes a picture of the crowds in Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, while an estimated 1 million people march against the extradition bill on June 9, 2019. I can vividly remember the heat, the sheer mass of people chanting slogans and the hope.

6. Banyan tree roots partially obscure a colonial-era sign at the King George V Memorial Park in Sai Ying Pun. Whenever I see Banyan trees in Hong Kong I think of your music Ann-Kay Lin (Wai-on).

N.B. Clark meant my music video “MAGIC BANYAN TREE” :  https://youtu.be/dX4ipdb-3Qw

7. The incorrigible Bill Yim flouts mask rules after sharing some roast goose with me and our mutual friends Sean and Maria in Yuen Long. I love listening to the octogenarian cartoonist’s tales of Hong Kong in days gone by.

8. Two neon pawn shop signs on the street in Causeway Bay where I live. Sadly the shop has since closed and the signs removed. Since the closure, it feels as though my street has lost some of its magic.

Dr Juliet Chenery-Robson

(Sunderland): Visual artist

I have done two music videos cropping and animating the vast amount of photos that Juliet sent me. We both liked the result. The following images are some of her well known works that have been exhibited nationally.

Roy used my possessions to make this Image representing Inter Artes
Roy used my possessions to make this Image representing Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
Mid-autumn festival image for Inter Artes
One of the images projected for my music performance
One of the images projected for my music performance
One of the images projected for my music performance
One of the images projected for my music performance
Another production shot taken by Roy
Another production shot taken by Roy

Project 藝術創作項目

From Hong Kong to Wickford

My memory of Hong Kong is about fifteen years, which is about the same as I have been living in Wickford. Before moving to Wickford I lived in London for more than 30 years. FROM HONG KONG TO WICKFORD was an exhibition of my lifetime interaction with UK and Hong Kong based artists/people that have resulted in many creative works.

Since his appointment as Team Rector of Wickford and Runwell, Revd Jonathan Evens has been promoting arts and cultural events locally, especially at St. Andrew's Church. With Jonathan's support, this multifaceted pictorial display with stories was staged at Wickford St. Andrew's Church from September to December 2023.

This webpage contains most of the stories displayed about the exhibits and those who created them and some of the images. You will see more of the images in the music video.



Music video From Hong Kong to Wickford will be here when it is completed.

Acis & Galatea

Dance-opera directed by Ho Wai-On for the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts.

See the Acis & Galatea project page for more information.

Click to view story PDF about the production.

Blessed - Images of St. Andrew's

Stations of the Cross with Beatitude

An offering to St. Andrew's from Ho Wai-On.

Click for more details on the story of Blessed.

Blessed Display
Blessed Display
Blessed title
Blessed title
Blessed are the poor in spirit...
Blessed are the poor in spirit...
Blessed are those who mourn...
Blessed are those who mourn...
Blessed are the meek...
Blessed are the meek...
Blessed are those who hunger...
Blessed are those who hunger...
For they shall be satisfied
For they shall be satisfied
Blessed are the merciful...
Blessed are the merciful...
Blessed are the pure in heart...
Blessed are the pure in heart...
Blessed are the peace makers
Blessed are the peace makers
For they shall be called sons of God
For they shall be called sons of God
Blessed are those who are persecuted...
Blessed are those who are persecuted...
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven
Blessed are ye when...
Blessed are ye when...
and shall say all manner of evil...
and shall say all manner of evil...
Rejoice and be glad...
Rejoice and be glad...

Click to view Clark's story PDF.

The event was mounted at St. Andrew's

The following are some images of the display in the church from different angles. This is followed by sections featuring specific artists. You can see their story by clicking on the PDF at the left.

General view of the display in the church.
General view of the display in the church.
Mid autumn celebrations.
Mid autumn celebrations.
The easel corner and Hong Kong birds.
The easel corner and Hong Kong birds.
Music video summary board.
Music video summary board.
A scroll about the mid autumn festival with photos by Roy Reed.
A scroll about the mid autumn festival with photos by Roy Reed.
General view of the display in the church from the entrance.
General view of the display in the church from the entrance.

Click to view flyer PDF with summary of the exhibits.

Click to view Juliet's story PDF.

Kafka's Metamorphosis
Kafka's Metamorphosis
Mimesis 3- Portrait of Jen
Mimesis 3- Portrait of Jen
Still life with fruit, dead birds and mouse
Still life with fruit, dead birds and mouse
Still life with sunflower and glass eye
Still life with sunflower and glass eye
Ageing/Illness with Red Thread
Ageing/Illness with Red Thread
One of the displays of Juliet's work
One of the displays of Juliet's work
One of the displays of Juliet's work
One of the displays of Juliet's work
One of the displays of Juliet's work
One of the displays of Juliet's work

Click to view Ruth's story PDF.

Ruth Cutler

(Ramsgate): Mixed media

I only met Ruth very briefly and she, and a musician and a dancer created a performing item for my Theme Hong Kong project. The following are her mixed media work called Letter from China that I displayed in London and Hong Kong. The last two images are environmental art by Ruth.

Letter from China 1
Letter from China 1
Letter from China 2
Letter from China 2
Letter from China 3
Letter from China 3
Letter from China 4
Letter from China 4
Ruth Sea Garden 1
Ruth Sea Garden 1
Ruth Sea Garden 2
Ruth Sea Garden 2

Click to view Graham's story PDF.

Graham Ekins

(Boreham): Hong Kong bird photos

Please click the following link to see more images and information about Graham.

Hong Kong birds display.
Hong Kong birds display.
Hong Kong Bird Map
Hong Kong Bird Map
Bronzed Drongo
Bronzed Drongo
Oriental Magpie-robin
Oriental Magpie-robin
Chinese Pond Heron
Chinese Pond Heron
Tree Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Red Turtle Dove
Red Turtle Dove
Black-collared Starling
Black-collared Starling
Styan's Bulbul
Styan's Bulbul
Asian Koel
Asian Koel
Black-eared Kite
Black-eared Kite
Silver-eared Mesia
Silver-eared Mesia

Click to view Wai-On's story PDF.

Ho Wai-On

(Ann-Kay HK-UK): Music videos, combined arts, design & photos. The following are all the music videos I have created since moving to Wickford.

Since I moved to Wickford because of my health I have become more housebound. So making music videos for the Internet has become the main focus of my creative work. Please click the following images to enlarge.

Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Introduction 2
Introduction 2
3:10 AM
3:10 AM
Fly Wild
Fly Wild
Swan Beauty
Swan Beauty
Birthday with Chelsea Flower Show
Birthday with Chelsea Flower Show
Buddha Song
Buddha Song
Wisdom and Love
Wisdom and Love
Radio Fun
Radio Fun
For Songs in Chinese with Narration
For Songs in Chinese with Narration
For Songs in Chinese, no Narration
For Songs in Chinese, no Narration
Drinking Alone Under the Moon
Drinking Alone Under the Moon
Sounds Slowing
Sounds Slowing
Bitter Taste of Love
Bitter Taste of Love
The Story of Interartes
The Story of Interartes
Minute Carols
Minute Carols
Sakura Variations
Sakura Variations
The Waves
The Waves
You Are Not Alone Quartet for One
You Are Not Alone Quartet for One
You Are Not Alone, animated
You Are Not Alone, animated
Three Times No Less
Three Times No Less
Magic Banyan Tree
Magic Banyan Tree


Performing group formed by Ho Wai-On (Ann-Kay)

Click for more information on Inter-Artes and photos from displays and performances.

Polly Hope

(London): Artist

Polly Hope was quite amazing, please read her story on the left.

Portrait of Ho Wai-On by Polly Hope
Portrait of Ho Wai-On by Polly Hope
Polly's dress sculpture display
Polly's dress sculpture display
Polly's postcards of Roy Strong
Polly's postcards of Roy Strong

Herry Lawford

(Stockbridge): Chelsea Flower show photos.

I contacted Herry because I wanted to use his photos of Chelsea Flower show to make a music video for my god daughter Sue. He was very happy with the result.

Herry's commissioned bust
Herry's commissioned bust
Chelsea Flower Show 1
Chelsea Flower Show 1
Chelsea Flower Show 2
Chelsea Flower Show 2
Music video title card
Music video title card
Many Happy Returns, this was a birthday gift to my god daughter Sue.
Many Happy Returns, this was a birthday gift to my god daughter Sue.
Black flower taken by Sue at Chelsea Flower Show.
Black flower taken by Sue at Chelsea Flower Show.

Professor Stephen Mathews

(UK-HK): Hong Kong bird photos

I got to know Stephen online, he is a professor at Hong Kong University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He likes my music and I like his photos of birds.

Click this link for more of Stephen's photos.

Mid Autumn
Mid Autumn
Bird 1
Bird 1
Bird 2
Bird 2
Bird 3
Bird 3
Bird 4
Bird 4
Bird 5
Bird 5
Bird 6
Bird 6
Bird 7
Bird 7
Bird 8
Bird 8

Ben Rector

(Wickford): Photographer

Ben is local to me and has helped me to understand a bit more about how to take a good photograph. The work we did together resulted in quite a few music videos.

Ben's display board
Ben's display board
Ben headshot taken by Ho Wai-On
Ben headshot taken by Ho Wai-On
Wickford cherry blossom for my music video
Wickford cherry blossom for my music video
Wickford cherry blossom for my music video
Wickford cherry blossom for my music video
Hyde hall image for my music video
Hyde hall image for my music video
Cherry blossom from Hyde Hall for my music video
Cherry blossom from Hyde Hall for my music video

Roy Reed

(UK): Photographer

I was very lucky to have met Roy in London. He is a talented and both commercially and critcally successful photographer. He kindly contributed for free to my projects.

Martin Singleton

(Wickford): UK bird photos

Martin looks after the Wickford Wildlife Society and is a keen wildlife photographer. I have taken photos on some of these outdoor events and have made a music video using Martin's images as raw materials for expermenting with modification and animation.

Martin's display board
Martin's display board
Martin enjoying the outdoors
Martin enjoying the outdoors
Vestal Cuckoo Bee (Bombus vestalis)
Vestal Cuckoo Bee (Bombus vestalis)
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Beautiful Demoiselle
Beautiful Demoiselle
Bearded Tit
Bearded Tit
Sea birds at Flamborough Head
Sea birds at Flamborough Head

Albert Tang

(HK-London): Stage/Costume/Poster/Cover design and more.

A very old friend who is multi-talented. We have worked on many projects together.

Albert's display in the church
Albert's display in the church
Albert's display
Albert's display
Albert's display close up
Albert's display close up
An impressive photo of Albert
An impressive photo of Albert
A cat by Albert
A cat by Albert
I liked this impressionistic painting by Alber, he gave it to me as a present.
I liked this impressionistic painting by Alber, he gave it to me as a present.
My CD front cover design by Albert
My CD front cover design by Albert
Poster for a concert of my works in Hong Kong designed by Albert
Poster for a concert of my works in Hong Kong designed by Albert
Interartes logo, designed by Albert and slightly modified by me
Interartes logo, designed by Albert and slightly modified by me

Theme Hong Kong


At St. Andrews I displayed both the London and Hong Kong images of this project.

Theme Hong Kong display
Theme Hong Kong display
Theme Hong Kong display
Theme Hong Kong display
Theme Hong Kong display
Theme Hong Kong display

Dr David Tong

(Sidcup): Poetry

David was one of my cancer consultants.

He also wrote lyrics and poetry for my music and projects.

David display
David display
David Tong by Ho Wai-On
David Tong by Ho Wai-On
David present at a performance where he wrote lyrics for my music
David present at a performance where he wrote lyrics for my music
David's poem for my work
David's poem for my work
David's poem used for narration before the music
David's poem used for narration before the music
A poem inspired by my music
A poem inspired by my music

True Light Old Girls

Ho Wai-On's old school.

I wrote a story about the time I was there and some of the girls I was impressed by. The school and all of us are very different now.

True Light display in the church
True Light display in the church
True Light display close up
True Light display close up
Reminiscing about my True Light school days as a boarder
Reminiscing about my True Light school days as a boarder

Choy May-Chu

(HK-Taiwan): drawings/paintings.

May-Chu and I had mutual admiration for each other when we were at school though we didn't hang out together. We are both affected by our heath but keep being productive. I spent a long time using her artistic work to make music videos.

May-Chu's display
May-Chu's display
Hong Kong by May-Chu
Hong Kong by May-Chu
The Milky Way painted for my music video
The Milky Way painted for my music video
I used this one in my music video but you wouldn't be able to spot which part
I used this one in my music video but you wouldn't be able to spot which part
May-Chu and I used to look like this!
May-Chu and I used to look like this!
She painted this for my music video
She painted this for my music video

Kitty Kwan

(HK-UK-AU-US): photos.

Kitty is a very good friend and I am impressed by her amazing development in her photographic work. I have used her photos in some of my music videos.

Kitty's display
Kitty's display
A recent photo of Kitty Kwan
A recent photo of Kitty Kwan
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
One of her cloud motifs
One of her cloud motifs
One of her cloud motifs
One of her cloud motifs
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
A photo she specially sent for my video Buddha Song
One of the californian breakers I used in a music video
One of the californian breakers I used in a music video
Milky Way display
Milky Way display
From her Milky Way motif
From her Milky Way motif
From her Milky Way motif
From her Milky Way motif

Toby Man

(HK-US) drawing.

When we were at school, she liked to be called Toby Man. Toby and I were very close and she did a pencil drawing for me which everyone liked. We have lost touch after I met up with her in Oregon long ago.

See more about portraits of Ho Wai-On.

Toby (left), Kam (middle) and Ho Wai-On (right) in Oregon
Toby (left), Kam (middle) and Ho Wai-On (right) in Oregon
Toby's sketch of me before it fades
Toby's sketch of me before it fades
The sketch is beginning to fade
The sketch is beginning to fade

Marcus West

(Cardiff): Computer graphics.

I met Marcus at Cardiff University when I was working on computer and electronic music. We kept in touch and later on I used some of Marcus' computer graphics in making a music video.

Marcus' artwork being shown in the church.
Marcus' artwork being shown in the church.
Marcus' artwork being shown in the church.
Marcus' artwork being shown in the church.
Marcus' artwork being shown in the church.
Marcus' artwork being shown in the church.
An example of Marcus' artwork that was displayed.
An example of Marcus' artwork that was displayed.
An example of Marcus' artwork that was displayed.
An example of Marcus' artwork that was displayed.
An example of Marcus' artwork that was displayed.
An example of Marcus' artwork that was displayed.

Benson Wong

(Macau-HK-UK-HK): Fashion/textile/jewellery design & digital portraits

Benson is a very old friend and a talented designer. He has always been supportive of my work and came to some of my performances.

More about Benson's birds, the pendant he designed for me and my images he enhanced.

Part of Benson's display
Part of Benson's display
Benson sent this to wish me happy mid-autumn for the display
Benson sent this to wish me happy mid-autumn for the display
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Enlarge and read his clear description
Spotted Doves that visit Benson's flat
Spotted Doves that visit Benson's flat

The following are some photos I took after moving to Wickford. Click these links for more photos of Essex: Essex 1, Essex 2.

A rose from my garden
A rose from my garden
A rose in my garden
A rose in my garden
WatTyler Arch
WatTyler Arch
Stuart of Wickford Wildlife Society
Stuart of Wickford Wildlife Society

The following image is my creative PhD which was also completed while living in Wickford.

PhD Display
PhD Display
PhD display board
PhD display board
An excerpt from my PhD thesis about a beggar boy
An excerpt from my PhD thesis about a beggar boy

Click to view the Inter-Artes story.

Click to view Poly's story.

Click to view Herry's story.

Click to view Stephen's story.

Click to view Ben's story.

Click to view Roy's story.

Click to view Martin's story.

Click to view Albert's story.

Click to view the Theme Hong Kong story.

Click to view David's story.

Click to view the True Light Old Girls story.

Click to view May-Chu's story.

Click to view Kitty's story.

Click to view Toby's story.

Click to view Marcus' story.

Click to view Benson's story.

N.B., ( ) indicates residency. E.g., (HK-UK-AU-US) = From HK, then lived in the UK, AU, now lives in the US.

Three cupids about to murder Acis.

The cyclops giant Polyphemus and Galatea.

Galatea singing with two birds.

These are the names of the birds, I'm afraid you'll need to work out which is which. I hope you enjoy the challenge!

The music video concentrates on images.

The music is inspired by what I heard in Hong Kong when I was a child.

Promoting the Event

The flyer shown in the PDF above was designed by Wai-On Ho. It was inspired by Reverend Jonathan Evens saying that he wanted one image to represent the whole event. As there are so many contributors and their works, I decided to use a pattern that can accommodate at least one image from each contributor. Benson Wong, one of the contributors, suggested a few simple patterns which I elaborated to get the final design.

In the PDF section on the left you can see some of the stories used to promote the event. The top one is the first promotion posted at the three churches. The second one is was for the mid-autumn festival which was the launch day. The third is called "The Unexpected  Hong Kong Upheavals" which was a stimulus for me to create this project.

The following are some of Jonathan's designs to show some of the contributor's work both as selections and individually.

One of Jonathan's designs featuring selected works by the contributors.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring selected works by the contributors.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Roy Reed.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Roy Reed.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Professor Stephen Matthews.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Professor Stephen Matthews.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Kitty Kwan.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Kitty Kwan.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring selected works by the contributors.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring selected works by the contributors.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Martin Singleton.
One of Jonathan's designs featuring a work by Martin Singleton.

Click to view the first promotion.

Click to view Mid-autumn festival promotion.

Click to view The Unexpected Hong Kong Upheavals.

Click to view Kitty's Milky Way story.